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Starex University

Now is Forever

  • 2016
  • Gurgaon
  • Haryana

Starex University

Starex group has a wonderful legacy of over 35 years in Europe and has made its indelible mark in India from last 15 years only. In India, Starex group has its presence in the Real Estate, Education, and Hospitality sector.

Envisaged as the education and research hub of professional courses, including Management, Applied Sciences, Computer Science, Arts, Commerce, Hotel Management, Life Sciences and Master’s in English, Economics, Mathematics and Commerce in the National Capital Region of India, Starex university has been successfully empowering a generation of competent, cultured and confident professionals.

Equipped with profession-based pedagogy and innovative research capabilities, together with excellent infrastructure and opportunities, we have created a range of state-of-the-art schools/departments that provide a conducive environment, where ideas blossom, skills are imparted and next generation leaders are inspired.

Starex University has clusters of buildings for hosting the classrooms, laboratories, libraries, computer centres, research outfits, hostels, faculty residences and recreational facilities. The qualified faculty with industry experience, along with the research infrastructure, fuels the potential among students and carve competent workforce—we at Starex, are a place to be.

Wi-Fi Campus Medical Facilities Gym Library Sports Computer Lab Cafeteria Laboratory Hostel Auditorium A/C Classrooms

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